After ideating spatial layouts between firehouse 10 and 566 West Rich Street, it was clear that 566 West Rich Street was the better option for my proposed programming. I liked its location to bus stops, as well as parking. It also had a large green area that was necessary for my programming. I also thought it was beneficial that the building was a large one story.

After deciding on 566 West Rich Street, creating an adjacency diagram, and considering what kinds of activities and spatial requirements were necessary I could then dive deeper into possible spatial layouts for 566 West Rich Street.

I then created a visual positioning board for my proposed project to help inspire what I wanted the space to look like and what attributes were important for it.

Below are some personas of individuals that might occupy my programmatic space.

Below are some journey's these individuals might take through the space throughout a single day here.

I decided to name my therapy space "Growth" also known as "gradually, renewing, our, wellness, through, healing. ".

Below is a longer project description as well as the therapy types that are a part of my prospective programming.