To begin this semester, I was asked to research information about Franklinton, including both the past and present, while continuing to look into what the future might look like. Below is information classmates and I gathered about both the past and current state of Franklinton.

In small groups classmates and I were asked to investigate four separate properties in Franklinton. Below is the information my group and I gathered at 543 West Rich Street.

Our group also took note of assets near 543 West Rich Street. We categorized these assets as mental health, physical health, social health, and other assets.

Below is information gathered on both the past and present of Franklinton.

Here is some information that my group and I gathered on potential future needs of Franklinton.

The above research led me to the following design proposal. This is something I feel is necessary and beneficial to Franklinton as well as surrounding areas.
Design Proposal