Following the explore phase of the semester came the "ideate" phase. The first step in this phase of design development was to look up similar case studies to my proposed programming. Below are case studies that I felt were pertinent to my proposed programming of an alternative therapy center for recovering addicts.

Following the case study research, I then delve into a building site analysis. Analyzing both proposed properties for my programming to weigh the benefits and the drawbacks of each location to the proposed programming.

Following building site analysis's, my next step was to make a short program list of what would be included in my proposed idea. This was a deeper look into what might need to be included to actually make the programming happen.

After creating a short programming list of what was necessary for each space, I then drafted a bubble diagram of where each programmatic space could go in each of the two proposed buildings.

The next step was diving into code and figuring out what occupancy type my proposed programming was. as well as what occupancy load that fell under.

This led me to think about the potential spatial requirements for each space necessary for my programming.

After starting to think about occupancy type and code, as well as spatial requirements for the different aspects of programming, the next step was to iterate where these potential spaces could go in each of the prospective buildings more thoroughly.